Alejandra Beribe
Alejandra Beribe

About me


Hi! My name is Alejandra Beribe and since 2006 I have been working as a personal trainer, group trainer and health advisor in emblematic fitness companies in Barcelona.

I have had the satisfaction of being able to train from athletes, amateur athletes to completely sedentary people who have transformed their lives thanks to my comprehensive training method.

I am convinced that there is no age or excuses to achieve a better version of ourselves, gain health and become protagonists of our own change




for you

Alejandra Beribe

Integral Training

Practice a routine that encourages you to improve your fitness, posture, and flexibility

Alejandra Beribe

Prenatal & Postnatal

Train safely. Share a unique moment with your baby while you get more vitality for your day to day

Alejandra Beribe


Exercises adapted to space and time that will help you break bad habits, release stress and promote concentration

Alejandra Beribe


at your pace

100% Customized


Receive personalized 60-minute training sessions in person or online.

Training has to be fun but also effective. ” Smart Training ” is a comprehensive training based on functional and dynamic exercises in conjunction with disciplines such as Pilates and yoga.

You will gain cardiovascular resistance, posture, flexibility and strengthening in the “core” (abdominal, lumbar, pelvis, gluteal and spinal muscles) and an “anti-aging” effect.

Your brain will receive the oxygen it needs so much, you will release accumulated stress, thereby improving your intellectual performance and concentration.

Before training more...

train better

Achieve your goals with quality personalized workouts

Alejandra Beribe


Comments or queries? If you want to know more about personalized training, complete the form below and I will respond as soon as possible